Winter Stroll
Original watercolor by Tim Myrick
10.5"h X 14.5" w
Artist's Story
A few days after a winter storm, the snow had begun to melt in spots. Much of it was still clinging to the rocks and tree trunks that had fallen into the creek. White spots of snow looked like they were dancing down the creek. The beauty of the fresh melting snow and the sound of the flowing water was a tranquil experience, until two people walked into the scene and stood on rocks that extended 6 feet into the creek. They caught my attention because they appeared to be in danger of slipping into the creek. I have done the same thing myself to get as close to water as I can, in spite of the risk of slipping on the icy rocks. The contrast between the tranquil scene and the tension caused by their proximity to the icy creek begged to be captured in watercolor
Artist's Statement
I’ve known I was an artist since I was 8 years old. After graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Cleveland Institute of Art, I pursued a corporate career as a creative director for over 25 years, while continuing to paint and show my work.
Following a period of extreme illness, I received the lifesaving gift of a kidney transplant in 2022. It was truly the first day of the rest of my life. As I recovered, I was energized by the pure joy of being in the studio painting daily. My creativity and my dedication to my work elevated to new levels.
My goal is to create art that engages the viewer. Watercolor is, for me, the perfect medium to interpret and portray the sights and mood that make the story of a particular scene so compelling. Recently, I rediscovered both my early love of nature, and my passion for capturing its warmth, complexity, and abstractions through my watercolors.
I now dedicate the majority of my time to my art, in addition to teaching art at the college level, creating bonsai, gardening, and landscaping.
© copyright 2022-2024. Tim Myrick / Myrick Creative, LLC. All rights reserved. Original watercolor by Tim Myrick